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Chart of Accounts in Futrli
Chart of Accounts in Futrli

An overview of the Chart of Accounts (COA) page in Futrli.

Updated over 5 months ago

In Futrli, you can view and manage your accounts' categories from the Chart of Accounts tab. You can reorganise the groups and categories for both profit & loss and balance sheet accounts.

Your accounts will appear under collapsible account categories and their groups that you can click to collapse or expand.

On this page, you can do the following:

  • Sync your data

  • Search an account

  • Reorder groups and accounts within groups

  • Reclassify which category an account sits in

  • Create a group within a category

  • Set up switch rules for balance sheet accounts

๐Ÿ“ŽNOTE: Changes you make to your COA in Futrli don't affect your data source in your integrated accounting software.

Sync data

Your data in Futrli syncs with your integrated accounting software daily. It will tell you how long ago it was last synced. You can click Sync now in the top right to update the synced data.


If you have a lot of accounts in your COA, you can save time trying to find the account you're looking for. Simply use the search bar in the top right.


You can amend the order your accounts show within their account category or groups.


Use this option to move an account to sit within a different account category.

Create group

You can create groups within categories to help organise your accounts.

Apply a switch rule to a balance sheet account

When you click the Balance sheet tab, accounts have a Switch rule toggle. This allows you to move accounts between categories depending on whether the balance of the account is negative or positive.

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