If you need to make changes to a forecast, this is easy to do.
Click the Forecasting tab.
Find the forecast in the left hand menu, then click on it.
On the dropdown click View/Edit.
You can now amend the forecast.
Can't edit a forecast?
If you're not able to edit a published 1 year P&L only forecast this may be because it was created by another user and is locked.
Options within a forecast
When you View/edit a forecast from the Forecast homepage, the following options are available to all three types of forecast:
In the top left is a Controls dropdown. When you click this you're presented with several options:
Show unused accounts - Use this to hide or show accounts with zero values
Compact view - Use this to reduce the font size in a forecast
Show decimals - Use this to show figures in the forecast with decimals
Bulk update predictions - Use this to toggle all the predictions on or off
New budget - Use this to return to the Forecasting homepage where you can create new forecasts
Export - Use this to export your forecast to Google sheets
Settings - Use this to access forecast settings where you change the default bank accounts and vat settings
Add predictions
Add predictions
In the top right of a forecast, you can click New prediction to add predictions to the forest. You can either add a manual prediction or import a prediction via Google Sheets.
Edit a prediction
Edit a prediction
To edit a manual prediction, expand the Accounts list first and click the pencil icon:
From there you can:
Edit to modify the prediction.
Note: Your options here will depend on the method selected when you created the manual prediction. You cannot change the method once the prediction is created.
Copy the current prediction to create a new one
๐TIP: An imported prediction cannot be edited or deleted directly.
You can update and resync a template however. Check how to update and delete an imported prediction.
The following options will vary depending on the type of forecast:
Tabs available
Tabs available
1 year P&L
Other P&L
Profit & Loss
3 year cash flow
Other P&L
Profit & Loss
Balance Sheet
Cash Flow Statement
3 year cash flow with invoices
Other P&L
Profit & Loss
Balance Sheet
Cash Flow Statement
Date Range
Date Range
๐NOTE: Date Range options are only available in 3 year cash flow or 3 year cash flow with due invoices forecast.
3 year cash flow
Select a specific date to show forecast data from. You can then select whether the periods show monthly, Weekly (Mon-Sun) or Weekly (Sun-Sat).
3 year cash flow with invoices
Under Cash increase/decrease from due invoices and bills you can select to show figures for:
This week
This month
This quarter
Invoice tab (3 year cash flow with due invoices)
Invoice tab (3 year cash flow with due invoices)
The invoice tab is only available in the 3 year cash flow forecast with due invoices. This tab allows you to change the way the unpaid invoices impact your forecast.
๐TIP: Use our interactive walkthrough tour of the forecasting functionality in Futrli.