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72 articles
Forecasting in Futrli
Forecasting home page
1 year P&L forecast
3 year cash flow forecast
3 year cash flow with due invoices forecast
Differences between the Futrli forecasting options
Create a forecast
Copy an existing forecast
Draft vs Published forecasts
View or edit a forecast
Delete a forecast
Share a forecast
Publish a forecast
Export a forecast
Lock a forecast
Import predictions into Futrli
Set up your import Master Sheet
Copy import templates to a Master Sheet
Sync an import template with your Futrli account
Remove imported predictions
How to update a Master Sheet and why
Update National Insurance thresholds in the UK Payroll import template
How to update the date range in an Import template
Set payment terms
Forecasting corporation tax
Impact of unpaid invoices and bills
VAT/GST/sales tax in Futrli
Defer VAT/GST/sales tax
Hide or show accounts with zero values
Switch between accrual and cash-based VAT/GST/sales tax
Create a forecast with last year's actual data
View historical data in a forecast
Bulk toggle forecast predictions
Update default accounts in a forecast
Complete a forecast checklist
Display forecast in a cash flow view
Unpaid invoices and bills in a forecast
Understanding prediction journal movements
How is a Futrli cash flow forecast calculated?
Control when actual data changes to forecasted data in a forecast
Create a cash flow forecast
Incorrect auto-prediction
Create a three-way forecast
Add a percentage increase to a prediction
Forecasting payroll
Why is a prediction not showing for this month?
Add bulk changes to a forecast
Pay off Accounts Receivable and/or Accounts Payable accounts in a forecast
How to update VAT/GST/sales tax settings in a forecast
Set the default VAT/GST/sales tax rate for a forecast
Can I convert a forecast into a different forecast type?
Import a budget