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All CollectionsForecastingImport predictions
Import predictions into Futrli
Import predictions into Futrli

An overview of how the import feature works for predictions.

Updated over 4 months ago

One of your options to add predictions into a Futrli forecast is to import them using our integration with Google Sheets. This is a useful way to add predictions in bulk.

There is a three-step process to get set up to import a prediction.

📌TIP: Use our walkthrough of how to import predictions into a Futrli forecast.

Step 1 - Set up your Master Sheet

Before you can import predictions into a forecast it requires a Master Sheet. Once set up, you can then use the range of available templates and copy them into your Master Sheet.

📎NOTE: You will need a Google account to set up and use your Master Sheet.

Step 2 - Copy template to your Master Sheet and add data

After you create a Master Sheet you need to copy one of the available import templates into the Master Sheet. You can then populate data into this copied template.

Step 3 - Sync your populated template to Futrli

After entering data into your Master Sheet, sync it with Futrli to complete the prediction import into your forecast.

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