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Remove imported predictions

How to remove prediction data uploaded via import.

Updated over a month ago

You can remove from your forecast any predictions you imported into Futrli.

To delete your predictions, you have several options:

  • Delete selected data from a template

  • Deactivate or delete an entire template from the Master sheet

  • Delete the Master sheet and all its templates

Remove selected data from a template

These steps will run through how to delete one or more predictions from a template with multiple lines. In our example, we'll delete Example Prediction 2.

Screenshot of a forecast. There are three accounts, each showing a prediction.

  1. Click the Forecasting tab, then view the forecast you want to remove the imported prediction from.

  2. Once in the forecast, click New prediction in the top right, then click Import templates on the dropdown.

  3. Click Open Master Sheet.

  4. Once in the Master Sheet, locate the template where the prediction sits.

    Screenshot of Custom Monthy template. It shows predictions in an example template for Wedding Sales and Website Sales

  5. There are two options:

    • Click the checkbox in the Upload or Import column to unselect the row in question

    • Delete the data within the row

      ⚠CAUTION: If you decide to delete the data, only delete the contents of the row. Don't delete the entire row. You can't add rows or columns to a template.

  6. Once you deselect or delete the data, there’s no need to amend the Control Sheet. Head back into Futrli and sync the Master Sheet. You'll then see the updates in the forecast.

Remove one or more templates from a forecast

You can remove an entire set of predictions from within a template. You can either deactivate the synchronisation from the Control sheet, or delete the template from the Master sheet altogether if you don't want to use it again.

Deactivate a template from the control sheet.

You can deactivate a template from the master sheet and resync to remove the associated data from the forecast. You don’t need to delete a template if you want to reuse it again.

  1. Click the Forecasting tab, then view the forecast you want to remove the imported prediction from.

  2. Once in the forecast, click New prediction in the top right, then click Import templates on the dropdown.

  3. Click Open Master Sheet.

  4. Locate the tab you want to deactivate.

  5. Click the control Sheet tab.

  6. Under step 3, remove the name of the deleted tab.

  7. Go back to the import page to sync the data.

Delete a template from the Master sheet

  1. Click the Forecasting tab, then view the forecast you want to remove the imported prediction from.

  2. Once in the forecast, click New prediction in the top right, then click Import templates on the dropdown.

  3. Click Open Master Sheet.

  4. Right-click the relevant tab you want to remove.

  5. Click Delete and confirm you want to delete this sheet.

  6. Once deleted, go to the Control Sheet tab.

  7. Under step 3, make sure to remove the name of the deleted tab.

  8. Go back to the import page and sync the data.

Delete all imported predictions from a forecast

To remove all imported predictions completely, you can delete the Master Sheet. This will completely remove all data coming through from any of the templates.

  1. Click the Forecasting tab, then view the relevant forecast.

  2. Once in the forecast, click New prediction in the top right, then click Import templates on the dropdown.

  3. Click the trash can icon at the top to delete the Master Sheet.

This won't impact the ability to import data into the forecast again in the future. After you delete a Master Sheet, you'll see the option to create a new Master Sheet so you can start again.

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