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1 year P&L forecast

An overview of what a 1 year P&L forecast is in Futrli.

Updated over 5 months ago

When you create a new forecast in Futrli, one of your options is a 1 year P&L.

What is a 1 year P&L forecast?

The 1 Year P&L forecast is based on the following criteria:


  • The forecast Start date is flexible and you can start any month you like

  • The length is 12 months only


  • This type of forecast will only show P&L information without the Balance Sheet data

  • The following tabs are shown:

    • Sales

    • Costs

    • Expenses

    • Profit & Loss

๐Ÿ“ŒTIP: For more information on the other two forecast types that you can create, and the differences between them, click the guides below:

What can you do in a 1 year P&L forecast?

Within any 1 year P&L forecast, you can:

๐Ÿ“ŒTIP: After you publish a forecast, you can reference the forecast in a report.

You can also lock a 1 year P&L forecast to prevent anyone from making any further changes to it.

How do I create a 1 year P&L forecast?

You create this forecast from within the Forecasting homepage. For more information, use our Create a new forecast guide.

Forecasting page, highlighting the create 1 year P&L forecast option.

๐Ÿ“ŒTIP: Use our interactive walkthrough of a 1 year P&L forecast in Futrli.

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