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Create a 'Repeating' based prediction
Create a 'Repeating' based prediction

How to manually create a prediction using the 'Repeating' method.

Updated over 5 months ago

When you manually create a prediction, one of your prediction option methods is Repeating. This method allows you to add a set amount to a certain period (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually) in a forecast. However, there's then the option to add a percentage or fixed amount over time.

This method is ideal for straightforward recurring amounts such as rent for an office, or for recurring amounts that may increase or decrease over time such as a new monthly revenue stream.

Create prediction using the Repeating method

  1. In a forecast, click New prediction in the top right of the window.

  2. Click Manual prediction, then on the Prediction method drop-down, select Repeating.

    GIF showing a user click the Manual prediction option, then showing the prediction method options from its dropdown.

Build a new prediction with the repeating method

The numbers you add to the prediction are up to you, but there are several steps to tick off. Let's run through what you need to do.

Enter your prediction name

Give the prediction a name. This is how the prediction will display within the forecast, or any reports you build referencing it.


Select which account you'll be creating a prediction for.

VAT/GST/sales tax rate

If you don't enter a VAT/GST/sales tax rate, it will use your default rate set in your settings.

If you want the amount to be different for this prediction, enter a different VAT/GST/sales tax rate.

GIF showing a new VAT rate being entered instead of the default rate.

Start date

Determine when the prediction is going to start.


Enter the amount of the prediction exclusive of VAT/GST/sales tax.


Now decide the pattern of repetition. This can be:

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Annually


If applicable, set an end date. This can be after a certain number of repetitions, on a certain date, or it could have no ending.

Monthly increase/decrease

Depending on the repetition pattern you've set (for example, weekly), you can add either a percentage or amount decrease or increase. The original amount you enter is your starting point, with increases or decreases calculated for future periods.

Cash filter payment treatment

Set the cash flow payment treatment. The following options are available:

  • Same day payment

  • Single payment - Set the date for the payment

  • Multi: in days - Set various dates from different percentages on payment

  • Non-cash transfer - To remove any cash flow impact, just select the balancing account

    ๐Ÿ“ŒTIP: For more details on non-cash transfers, use your guide, Create a no-cash transfer.

'Accounts impacted' tab

The Accounts impacted tab shows you all accounts that will see movements. This ranges from the initial P&L or Balance Sheet account created against the prediction, to the VAT/GST/sales tax, bank, and accounts receivable/payable.

๐Ÿ“ŽNOTE: The Accounts impacted tab will not show until you enter a Prediction Name, an Account category and the Amount.

Screenshot of the create prediction window, At the bottom is an 'Accounts impacted' tab with a list of accounts such as VAT and Wedding Sales, with under months from Dec 2023 to October 2024.

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