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VAT/GST/sales tax in Futrli

An overview of how VAT/GST/sales tax works in Futrli.

Updated over 3 months ago

Futrli makes your life easier by automatically forecasting VAT/GST/sales tax. This can be forecasting VAT/GST/sales tax on a new prediction automatically, or forecasting your next VAT/GST/sales tax payment.

This guide takes a look at how VAT/GST/sales tax can be explained in Futrli.

How does Futrli calculate an upcoming VAT/GST/sales tax payment/refund?

Futrli creates a prediction for the next VAT/GST/sales tax movement for an organisation in every 3 year cash flow or 3 year cash flow with due invoices forecast created. This could be a payment, but it could also be a refund.

Futrli runs the numbers and creates an accurate prediction.

Where can I find this information?

In any 3 year cash flow or 3 year cash flow with due invoices forecast, locate the VAT/GST/sales tax holding account within the Liabilities or Cash Flow Statement tabs. Depending on the VAT/GST/sales tax setup for the organisation, you will find the predicted movement.

The forecast will also have the option to view the balance sheet with a cash flow view, or alternatively there is a Cash Flow Statement. Both options will show the expected cash movement.

How is this information calculated?

When you look at an upcoming VAT/GST/sales tax movement, Futrli looks at three things:

  • Actual data, including any unpaid invoices. To review unpaid invoices, you need to look at the daily tracker forecast

  • Predictions that have been created. The predictions in question are in the daily tracker forecast

  • Any late payments for previous VAT/GST/sales tax

πŸ“Œ TIP: Below are some related guides you may find useful:

How is VAT/GST/sales tax calculated within a Futrli forecast?

When you create a new Futrli forecast, this is free from predictions. You can add predictions with auto-predictions or if you use the From Last Year's actuals method to create a budget. Otherwise, your only other option is to create a prediction yourself.

You can set a default VAT/GST/sales tax rate in the settings of a forecast.

πŸ“ŒTIP: Even after you set a default tax rate you can still enter a different rate for an individual prediction.

How can I defer VAT/GST/sales tax?

You can also defer VAT/GST/sales tax from within the Balance Sheet tab of your forecast.

You can find the tool to set up the deferral within each forecast in Futrli.

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