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How to remove data uploaded via Import
How to remove data uploaded via Import
Updated over 3 months ago

This guide will run through how to remove any predictions once they've been added to a forecast via Futrli's import functionality.

How can I remove certain imported predictions in a forecast?

The first thing to know is that each individual forecast has its own Master Sheet, so therefore its own import setup. You'll always be able to find the Master Sheet and any templates by clicking the New prediction button.

When needing to delete a prediction, you will always need to do one of two things:

  • You'll need to delete one prediction out of multiple on a template

  • You'll need to delete an entire template.

Let's look at deleting one prediction from a template with multiple lines. In our example, this will be Example Prediction 2 that we're deleting.

Step one

Click is to head into your Master Sheet. Click New prediction, then Import templates. You'll then see the option to Open Master Sheet.

Step two

Once in the Master Sheet, locate the tab where the prediction you'll be deleting sits.

From here, there are two options. You can either unselect the row in question (by clicking the checkbox in the Upload column), or you can delete the data from that row.

If you decide to delete the data, do not delete the entire row. No rows or columns can be added or deleted from a template.

Step three

Once happy, no changes need to be made to the Control Sheet. Just head back into Futrli, sync the Master Sheet, then you'll see the updates in the forecast.

How can I delete all imported predictions from a forecast?

What if you want to completely remove all predictions?

This is quite a simple task, you just need to delete the Master Sheet. This will complete remove all data coming through from any of the templates.

This won't impact the ability to import data onto the forecast moving forward. Once a Master Sheet has been deleted, you'll see the option to create a new one, so you can start again.

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