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Client Tracker template

How to populate data in the Client Tracker template.

Updated this week

The Client Tracker template is useful for predicting a combination of one-off and monthly recurring revenue for up to 50 clients.

Before you add data to this template to import, you must:

Once you've done this, we explain below how to add data to the Client Tracker template in your Master Sheet.


  • Don't delete any rows or columns from the sheet

  • Don't add any additional rows or columns. If you require more rows, use a separate template

If you accidentally do any of the above, you’ll corrupt the sheet. In such a case, you’ll need to open a new template, copy it to your Master Sheet again, and restart the process of adding data.

  1. Click the Forecasting tab, then view the forecast you want to import predictions into.

  2. Once in the forecast, click New prediction in the top right, then click Import templates on the dropdown.

  3. Click Open Master Sheet and go to the Client Tracker tab.

  4. Enter your data into the white cells.

    You'll find an explanation for several of the cells.

    Unlike some other templates, there are no hidden settings to complete.

    The Client column will be the prediction name you see in Futrli, set up against the account you select in the Account code column.

    The Account code you select will determine if it’s a cost or revenue that is pulled into Futrli.

    GIF showing a user click on a dropdown in the Account code column and select 'sales'.

    You'll need to add figures for the first recurring amount. The second recurring amount or the one-off amounts are optional.

    You can add up to 50 rows of data for as many different clients as you'd like.

  5. When finished, you'll have a green tick at the top of the page. This means you can continue to sync the import template to Futrli.

    GIF of the template showing green ticks.

  6. When the red cross is showing, the data isn’t ready to sync. ​You'll need to expand the rows to see which information is missing.

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