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How to build your own report widgets
How to build your own report widgets
Updated today

There's a lot to report on in Futrli with actual data, the daily tracker forecast and then an unlimited number of budgets and scenarios.

There are pre-built widgets to display data, but in terms of creating your own widget, there is very little limitation.

This guide walks through how to create your own widget and what data can be displayed.

How to create your own widget

Selecting to create a new report from scratch gives you a blank canvas. Alongside the options to add Templates, Widgets (which are pre-built),Text and Images (plus the option to schedule the report), you'll see the Builder section.

Within the Builder section you'll see the different type of graph or table options.

Select the widget you want to use, then simply drag and drop it on the report. Reposition and resize as required.

Time to add information.

Step one: Add a title and sub-title. If you would like to leave either or both blank, the exported report will have a blank space, it won't show the Title will appear here message you'll see before adding a title.

Step two: What dataset needs to be reported on? There is no limit here. You'll see the options for actual data, the daily tracker forecast and then all published budgets and scenarios. Drag and drop, or double click to add a dataset.

Step three: What data is being reported on? Open out the Financial data section, or reference Non-financial data, or create your own formula. Again, drag and drop or double click what you need to show on the report into the Y-Axis box. For multiple data forms (for example looking at gross profit and gross profit %), use the second Y-Axis box.

Step four: Finally, it is time to set the date range to look at. Drag your date range from the Calendar fields section into the X-Axis box.

Your report will now automatically update.

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