To avoid every single report being available for every user to see, any new report you create starts life in your drafts.
There's no limit to the number of reports that can be created in Futrli - regardless of your user permissions. Your drafts are available only for the user who creates them. Nobody else can see them until they are published live.
Below we run through everything you need to know about reports being in draft and being published live.
How do I create a draft report?
How do I create a draft report?
Whenever you create a new report, it's automatically a 'draft' report. This is only visible to the user who creates it.
All draft reports show on the left-hand side menu within the Reporting tab, each with their own dropdown option. For example, this is how you edit a report.
How do I convert a 'draft' report to a 'published' report?
How do I convert a 'draft' report to a 'published' report?
When you convert a draft report to a live report, this makes it visible to any Futrli user with access to that organisation.
On the dropdown option, click Publish to Live reports to move the report into the live reports section.
How do I share a report with others?
How do I share a report with others?
There are several sharing options for reports in Futrli.
📌TIP: For more information on sharing reports in Futrli, you can use our help guide, or click the GIF below.
Sharing internally
When you publish a report it becomes available for all other Futrli users with access to that organisation.
You can send a copy of this report via email, or you can schedule an email when using report scheduling.
Sharing externally
You can export the report for sharing externally.
How do I stop others editing a report?
How do I stop others editing a report?
Once published, a report is available to all users in Futrli with access to the organisation in question.
In theory, anyone with access will also have the ability to make changes.
If you want to keep edit access to just you, you can use the Lock option. Hover over the dropdown option next to a live report and click Lock.