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Your five first steps in Futrli

First steps to follow for new users who have created their own workspace.

Updated over 2 months ago

We guide you through the first five recommended steps to take when starting with Futrli.

πŸ“ŒTIP: To follow the steps below, you can use any organisation you've integrated with Futrli. Alternatively, you can use one of the available demo organisations.

πŸ“ŽNOTE: If you've been invited into to someone else's Futrli workspace, use our alternative introductory guide, First steps when invited to use Futrli.

Step 1 - Connect an organisation

When you create a Futrli workspace, you're prompted to either connect an organisation to accounting software or create a demo organisation.

If you've started with a demo organisation and haven't connected to an organisation yet, or you have other organisations to integrate, follow this step to connect to a new organisation.

πŸ“ŽNOTE: If you've already connected your organisation you can continue to Step 2 - Housekeeping.

  1. Click the organisation name in the top right, then click Manage Organisations.

  2. Click Add new organisation, then follow the on-screen instructions to choose which accounting software you want to integrate with.

Step 2 - Housekeeping

Before you use Futrli, we recommend you check your accounting software data is up to date. If that data isn't up to date, the data in Futrli won't be either.

Unreconciled transactions

Futrli will highlight the number of unreconciled transactions coming through from your accounting software.

  1. On the Futrli homepage, you'll see a section on the right titled Data connection.

  2. Here you see the last completed sync of the organisation, and information on any unreconciled transactions. If you need to do anything, there's a link to log into your data source.

  3. Make the required changes in your Sage Accounting, Xero, or QuickBooks Online company.

  4. Head back into Futrli and manually sync the organisation again. You can do this from the Data connection section on the Home page.

    GIF zooming in to the 'Data connection' section on the Futrli home page.

Step 3 - Create your first forecast

This is where you start getting into the main features of Futrli, starting with forecasting. There are three different types of forecasts that you can create.

  • 1 year P&L

  • 3 year cash flow

  • 3 year cash flow with due invoices

For more information to help you get familiar with forecasting and creating forecasts, use our guides below.

Example of creating a forecast

In this example, we're going to create a new 1 year P&L using last year's actuals.

  1. In your Futrli account, click the Forecasting tab.​

  2. Under Create a budget, forecast or scenario, you see the three forecast types to create.
    Click the 1 year P&L option.

  3. Select Create from last year's actuals.​

  4. Give it a name, then set the start date to be from the start of next month.

    The forecast has now been created. No further action is required. We can now use it within a report.

β€‹πŸ“Œ TIP: In a forecast, you can add new predictions against any account in your organisation, predicting future incomings and outgoings.​

What can I do with this forecast?

Add predictions

In a forecast, can add new predictions against any account in your organisation, predicting future incomings and outgoings.​


Any new forecast you create starts life as a draft. The creator of the draft is the only person with access to it. Nobody else can see it until the creator publishes the forecast.

After you publish a forecast you can reference it in a report, which we cover in the next step.

Export to Google Sheets

You can export your forecast via the controls dropdown. You can find this in the top-left corner of the window.

Step 4 - Create your first report

You have full control of the reporting functionality in Futrli. For example, what do you want to report on? What date range you want to report on? Do you want to compare multiple forecasts with your actual data, etc.

With the drag-and-drop functionality, how you design the report you create is up to you.

πŸ“Œ TIP: If you don't want to start from scratch, there are plenty of templates options to choose from, including the option to create your own templates.

For more information to help you get familiar with reporting and creating reports, use our guides below.

Example of creating a report

Below we'll go over how to create a new report and reference data from the forecast you created and published in the previous section.

  1. Click the Reporting tab, then locate the Create from section.
    As an example, use the Portrait option in the Scratch tab.

  2. In your new report, you'll see a menu bar on the right-hand side. In the Builder section of that menu are various display options.
    For example, do you want a pie chart? A Line graph? Just a table? In our example, we'll use a bar chart. ​

  3. Drag and drop the icon onto your report. You can then reposition and resize it.​

  4. You can then reference the forecast as you build the widget.

    Datasets option in a report widget.

For more details on building widgets and referencing forecasts, view the following guides:

πŸ“ŒTIP: You can delete any of the test forecasts or reports that you created.

Step 5 - Invite others

The final step in our five first steps is to invite others to join your Futrli workspace.

Before you invite them, make sure you know the following:

  • The invitee's full name

  • The invitee's email address

  • Which organisations you want them to have access to

  • What user role you want them to have

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